Sand dabs! These marvelous and oh-so-flat fish were succulent with a panko crust and a lemon caper sauce. Mr. Quail pan-fried them right quick in our new Le Crueset dutch oven. (A marvelous piece of equipment--thank you Tricia and Dan.) An eggwash will help the panko and salt and pepper stick. Make sure your oil is hot, hot, hot.
For the sauce, Mr. Quail heated up a some lemon, olive oil, chopped garlic, the world's greatest condiment (butter), and capers. It worked best using the same pan the dabs had recently vacated.
Fun fact: Our Citarella fishmonger explained that Sand Dabs vary in color according to their skin. All are delicious.
On the Side:

Secret ingredients: toss in some dried sour cherries and really awesome French raisins.
We also had slices of the pugliese from Grandaisy Bakery and, admittedly, olive oil and rosemary roasted potatoes from everyone's favorite organic frozen foods brand: Alexia. A gin and tonic--with diet tonic and Hendricks--rounded out a sumptuous Monday meal.
Praise Allah and his prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the update! Huzzah!
This is great info to know.
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